What If.......
sleeping was bad for you?
all food tasted the same?
there was a fountain of youth?
the average hieghth of people was 10'?
humans lived to be 300 years old?
humans lived under da sea?
cars ran on water ?
Christopher Columbus never found america?
americans would have lost the revolutionary war?
teleportation was achieved?
What if all food tasted the same ? I think the world around us would be much different than it is. I think it would take a little excitement out of life overall. At the same time though, would there still be world hunger problems? Yes, probably but WHAT IF people didnt see food as delicasys and was more willing to help people out. I mean if the food at Red Lobster tasted exactly the same as the food at McDonalds than food wouldnt be as expensive I wouldnt think. But maybe if the food was inexpensive wouldnt it be plentiful and then Id like to believe that people would find the kindness in their heart to help out their fellow man. Maybe we would see less people in this world have to starve or children not even get a chance to make a difference. Although I do like some Red Lobster I would sacrifice it if it would make a difference like that. Or maybe just if the food of this world were more plentiful but there wasnt food chains to create such a high food cost. Just hear me out, if the 10,000(guestament)Red Lobsters in this country werent buying lobsters for there stores wouldnt the price of lobsters drop?
What if there really was a fountain of youth? I think in this day and age it would be hidden from the world not because of evil politicians as you might think. I think it would be similar to the movie "In Time", the world would become so incredibly over populated that they would have to slow the flow if you know what I mean. Maybe they would only allow people to drink it until they were a certain age like,start drinking it when your 25 and stay that age till you 50 and then you would stop drinking it and live to be around 120. But remember when you were 50 physically you were only 25 so would that mean that you would start aging rapidly or would you just start at 25 and slowly start aging again. Thats when you would see those evil corrupt politicians being the only ones allowed to use it forever. Strange really, after careful thought I think a fountain of youth would be worse for this civilization than money is. We cant even get fresh water to those whom need it most god knows they would never get any of that fresh glacial fountain of youth water....Thanks Fiji!
What if women carried AK47's? I also think the world would be very different in this circumstance. Women would be less approachable than they already are. Who wants to drop a cheesy pick up line on G.I. Jane... not this guy hahah. And why in this alternate universe do men not have any firearms of their own. Im starting to think that this is a world ran by women. Im guessing the men would all be forced into slave labor while the women sat around eating bonbons and watching oprah. This world gets grimmer and grimmer the more i think about it. Im really not likeing the idea of men being womens live stock force to work in the worst conditions because if women ran the world thats how it would be. An AK47 has a 7.62mm round....ouch that would do some damage but maybe the recoil would be too much and there would be a revolt and they would all live happily ever after.